A Wonderful Adventure

The Fort Recovery Library would like to thank the community for a successful summer reading program. With wonderful attendance from start to finish, the library was excited to have so many different students and adults actively participate. 

New to the summer reading program this year was a youth writing workshop, "The Magical Power Of The Pen! We Are All Authors!"  The Fort Recovery Library received funding from the Ohio Arts Council's Fund Every County Initiative, designed to ensure that all 88 Ohio counties receive Arts Council funding. 16 students in grades 4 - 8 participated in the writing workshop led by local author, Lucy Staugler. The Ohio Arts Council also funded summer reading program activities, including the perfomance of a magician to open the summer reading program. The library staff would like to thank The Ohio Arts Council for funding this wonderful youth writing workshop and summer reading program events, and Lucy Staugler for her work in creating the writing curriculum and leading the group activities.

Additional programs, sponsored by the Friends of the Library and Psi Iota Xi included games, crafts, music, story times, and more. The library could not support a full summer reading program schedule without the community support of these organizations, and the donations of time and resources from our community members. 



Source URL: https://fortrecoverylibrary.org/content/wonderful-adventure